
Our Therapists provide supportive education and processing in a variety of adult, youth and teen group counseling settings

Youth and Teen Groups:

YOUTH ANGER MANAGEMENT (5-6), (7-10) & (9-13): A 12-week course that helps young children better manage their emotions, improve social problem solving skills and strengthen peer relationship skills.

TEEN ANGER MANAGEMENT (14-17): A 12-week Orange County court-approved course designed to assist teens to effectively deal with their anger through various means. Group leaders utilize discussion activities, role-playing and interactive learning.

TEEN RELATIONSHIPS: A 12-week course on relating to peers and members of the opposite sex, peer pressure, communication skills, defensiveness and anger.

TEEN LIFE SKILLS: A 12-week course on becoming independent: Job applications and interviews, car ownership, apartment hunting and money management.

TEEN ALCOHOL AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE PREVENTION: A 12-week cognitive behavioral program that addresses substance abuse and ways to prevent further usage/dependence. Group members will learn how thoughts influence behavior and how to restructure negative thoughts and behaviors.

TEEN SUPPORT GROUP FOR GIRLS: A 12-week course on learning to like yourself: Image awareness, getting along with others and coping with disappointment.

Adult Groups:

ADULT ANGER MANAGEMENT (18+): A 12-week Orange County court-approved course designed to teach adults to handle anger in a healthy, productive manner. Available in English and Spanish.

PARENTING CLASSES (Spanish & English) & PARENTING TEENS SUPPORT GROUP: A 12-week Orange County court-approved course teaching parents techniques in discipline and conflict resolution, solutions for misbehavior, and active parenting skills.

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SUPPORT GROUP FOR WOMEN & CHILDREN (Spanish & English): This support group will focus on the following issues: physical and emotional boundaries, self-care, setting goals and dreams, building self-esteem, controlling self-destructive behaviors and assessing both positive and negative behaviors.

WOMEN’S AND MEN’S SUPPORT GROUPS: Support group for women’s and men’s issues including depression, anxiety and stress management.

COUPLES GROUP COUNSELING (English and Spanish):  A 12-week course focusing on empathy, validation and improving communication and relationship skills. Couples also learn how to better understand intimacy and improve their conflict resolution skills

Please call (714)547-8111 to inquire about current group counseling days/times and enrollment.